Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A little order, please!

      If you're anything like me, you have a stack (or 3 or 4) that looks something like this, lying around the kitchen.  In this case they are all recipes from friends, or that I've ripped out of magazines before tossing them, or things I've printed off.  I have several more piles of craft ideas, activities for the kids, etc.

Well, I few years back, a friend shared this brilliant idea with me, and I don't know what I would do without it.  When I get around to actually putting everything in there.

Why not organize all those random pieces of paper into sheet protectors in a three ring binder?

 There they all are, easy to move around as I find more.  Easy to take out and photo copy for a friend.
And if my helpers spill something all over my recipe?  I just wipe it off!


What kind of methods does everyone else have for keeping up with papers?

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