Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Flower embellishments - Chiffon

I'm sure many of you have noticed that I love flowers.  I seem to put them on half the things I create.  (which is why it's so much fun to have little girls - I couldn't get away with that if I had all boys!)
And I seem to keep promising a tutorial on how to make them.  Well, it's finally happening. 

Today we're going to make some chiffon flowers.

1) Gather your materials.  You will need:
             chiffon (synthetic fiber)
             fabric marking pen
             several circles to trace, roughly 1/2"-2" (baby food jars are great)
             a candle
             cup of coffee (optional)

2) Trace your circles onto the chiffon

 3) Cut out the circles.  For each flower you will need 3 large, 2 medium, and 2 small circles

4) Seal the edges.  This part takes a bit of practice.  You want to melt just enough that the edges won't fray, but you don't want to blacken the chiffon.  I think it works best to use the side of the flame, rather than the top.  You have a little more control and are less likely to get scorch marks.  You may want to practice on some scraps first.  

 a stack of circles with the edges sealed

5) Now it's time to crimp the "petals".  Hold the flat part of the circle to the flame, just until it starts to melt and pull in (but not too long, or you'll get holes!).  Again, use the side of the flame, and practice on some scraps first!  It takes a bit to get the hang of it. 
 Do this in several places until you get a nice, wobbly circle.
  3 piles of sealed, melted "petals"

6) Start stacking the petals.  3 large circles first, then 2 medium, and 2 small.

7) Sew the petals together.  Using a needle and thread, sew up through the middle of all the petals and back down, drawing them really tightly together. Repeat this a number of times, and tie it off on the back.

 8) Attach it to something (a bobby pin, bar pin, hair clip, piece of clothing - the possibilities are endless!) and admire!

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