Friday, November 4, 2011

You know you're a crafter when...

I teach a sewing class most weeks, which is a lot of fun.  Steve, however, has started referring to these classes as "how she supports her habit"  which has gotten me thinking about my obsession with crafting. Fortunately he loves me anyway. 

You may also have a problem if any of these sounds like you:

You cut up a brand new sweater to see if you can turn it into a purse.

Your kids start crying when you mention you'd like to stop at the fabric store "real quick".

Your craft supplies and fabric stash takes up more room than all 3 of your kids clothes.  Put together.

You see something in a store and think "$150!  I could make that.  Probably better."

All your friends think there is something a little odd about you.

The craft store is it's own category in the family budget.

Words like "thread race", "gather" and "rotary cutter" are in your 3-year-old's vocabulary.

You feel guilty buying yourself the new boots you've wanted for 2 years, but you think nothing of spending $35 on materials for a new dress for your 18 month old, which she won't wear more than twice, IF it turns out the way you want!

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